War Plot Frustrations
The main problem with giving out even a rough timeline in advance would be that the plot changes as it's played out, unfortunately Sad Imagine the chaos if we gave you a rough timeline, and then that didn't happen either.

Like I said, there's only so much we can do to help you guys navigate (it's hard enough for us to navigate). Still, there's the general info thread, which has all the updated information, and which should at least help you guys figure out if you need to fix something (by the dates in the timeline). It's usually not as much "you can't know that" behind it, as it is "we don't know exactly, hence we can't say", and not all the involved pack leaders have known everything that's been going on at any point, either. We're not holding information from you, but weære trying to execute this in the best possible way.

However the newest thread is not backdated (so in that sense we're up to speed again), and things should be arranged more smoothly in regards to dates from now on Smile

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