Questions, questions!

Word Count » 307 :: OOC: Yes she had the sex talk with Raz lmao

“Oh, what's it like to always be in snow? Did you never see any green stuff? Was it different than here? Like the way everyone acted. I lived with a few families and anotherpack, everyone was different for me.”

The young woman commented. She was quite curious of Jace's past, though she wouldn't dig too much, she just wanted to learn about the different cultures more than everything that happened in the woman's life, that was far too much meddling. As the woman spoke of singing, Eclipse wondered if she could be as good as Jace, but the answer to her next question came and she was far more interested in that.

“You mean... pups are in your belly, why? How did they get there. Are they ok, how can they breath?”

She asked, actually looking at Jace to see if she had like holes in her stomach for the puppies to breath. There wasn't so she was confused, how on earth could those poor puppies breath? Or were they even alive? Well Jace did say they would be coming out soon. Life just confused the young woman more and more, though she was starting to get a grasp on it. Then thinking about how mommies and daddies were what they were, and Razikiel's explanation of sex, she started to put two and two together..

“Hold on.... that doesn't happen when a man put his uh.... whammabamma in a woman's groovething is it?”

She asked, amost too afraid to know that she was right. He never told her about any of the actual outcomes of the “mounting” that his horse wanted to do to hers, but at that momen she didn't care, now she was interested only slightly, to know that the two things could be related somehow.

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