╬ An Italian Angel ╬
Matteo Trovato

Lupus form by Sky (Me!)

'Souls Wiki Profile

Detailed Profile
Currently a Kunikoti in AniWaya, though his loyalties are divided. His heart lies with Inferni, the fire clan that reminds him of his true calling back home in Italy. His love is with Gemma, who wouldn't survive in Inferni and thus keeps him rooted in AniWaya.

Δ = Minor threads, no plot importance.
╬ = Important threads, plot related!
Ω = Threads involving Camilla.

Early 2011 :: The Brother, The Wolf and The Whore
  1. Δ And we'll comfort each other, despite the odds... (April 4th)

    Matteo meets a tiny pup named Eclipse and the two become odd friends, though this is the last time he'll see the little girl.

  2. Δ Come Clean (April 5th)

    Matteo meets Mizu, the first adult friend he'll make in the new land of Souls. The two quickly become friends, though he'll not see her again afterwards.

  3. Δ Smile when you're not supposed to laugh. (April 5th, Evening)

    The dates for these threads are all messed up, so ignore the ooc chatter and pretend it's in the evening. Matteo meets his future brother-in-law, Kase, and the two discuss books, reading and Dracula.

  4. Finally. Some peace and quite? (April 7th)

    The epic first encounter with his future mate and best friend, Alaki! Teo's sitting at home in his and Giuseppe's shared room, alone, when in walks his brother's new business partner, Alaki the wolf! After some very awkward interactions, Alaki gets Teo to laugh and an unforgettable friendship is made! The start of all the real drama.

  5. Δ Wake up in a different world. (April 8th)

    A very short (and unfinished) encounter with another Coyote named Nadia. Not much happens, really. They speak some Italian and get along fine, but it's the last either see of each other.

  6. Δ Velvet Covered Darkness (April 8th, Later on...)

    Another short and unfinished encounter, this time with a lone woman named Layla. The two start off rough but eventually part ways on friendly terms.

  7. Albino deja vu?! (April 29th) (M)

    Matteo's getting dressed, home alone and in a relatively good mood. Of course, the real excitement starts when Alaki walks in, without knocking, just in time to see poor Teo bent over, grabbing for his pants and very much naked. Halarity ensues between the two boys and Alaki eventually introduces Beyaz, his new pet crow. Matteo has even more reason to adore his 'dark knight' after the pair have a heated 'argument', one almost ending in something far more intimate than planned. However, Beyaz puts a stop to it with a loud squawk, leaving both boys with ringing ears... and wondering just what it was the other had on his mind.

  8. Such a gentle soul (Precise date unknown, sometime in April.)

    Matteo's interesting week is topped only by his brother bringing home a whore. The woman's name is Gemma Rhiannon Sawtooth and Matteo wants absolutely nothing to do with her. So, the next night, to get away, he heads out to his favorite haunt, the Serene Sands. Who else would be there, though, but Gemma herself! He doesn't show her much kindness, demanding her reason for being there. In return, she's entirely sweet to him, complimenting him and treating him as if he'd greeted her with flowers and chocolate. The situation quickly changes when, after Teo tells Gemma to put on a shirt (one he'd sacrificed off his own back), Gemma assumes the worst and thinks that Teo dislikes her personally. Though he's upset with her, Teo quickly corrects the girl and comforts her despite his jealous. Many things are said and revealed, including Matteo's hatred towards slavery. Eventually tears and admissions turn the situation into something out of a twisted romance novel and the two share their first kiss together. The night ends with the pair holding each other and watching the sun disappear behind the endless ocean...

  9. Deja vu: Take 2 (May 3rd)

    Teo finds Carissa, a baby raccoon, after killing the poor thing's mother by mistake. Desperate to make it up to the little one, he flees to find Alaki, begging the darker boy to find a way to convince Giuseppe to let Teo keep the little kit. Normally one to knock, Teo quickly learns that Alaki's den lacks a few basic things; a door, for one, and a proper bedroom for another. He walks in to find Alaki sprawled out in bed, only half covered and looking all too appetizing under the soft glow of candlelight. After some teenage reactions, Teo gets his head in the game and starts his pleading. He explains the situation to Alaki, who mulls it over. Taking Alaki's silence as a bad sign, Teo puts Carissa down and crawls onto the bed, getting up close and personal with the cutest and most pitiful puppy-dog eyes he can muster. He puts on an entire show for the poor wolf, who eventually breaks down in wild laughter at the display. Alaki agrees without much question, and the two decide it best that Teo stay at Key's place until things are sorted. Alaki leaves to put his plan into action and Teo gets to work on redecorating his 'man cave'.

  10. Δ Challenges (May 5th)

    A short and unfinished thread. Teo's feeling cooped up despite the comfort of living with Alaki, so he takes a restless Carissa and heads out to explore the neighboring territories. He ends up getting lost and finds help in the form of a lovely woman named Desiree, who appears to him on the back of a beautiful horse. She helps him find his way home and then the two part ways on friendly terms.

  11. A pleasant nightmare, (Date was never decided, but it's after "Challenges")

    Alaki comes home late into the night to find the den empty, aside from the two pets. Thinking little of it, he heads to the bed and plops down, ready for a good night's sleep; but not before moving the blanket away, leaving it out for Matteo when he comes home. Later that night, Teo does get home, after spending some time outside the caves in a pointless stress-induced restlessness. He brings home a bird tree for Beyaz and then heads for bed, happy to see that Alaki's home, safe and sound. He misunderstands the blanket being left out, and fearing the darker boy catching a chill, he covers him up with it. Then he heads to his own 'bed', now deemed the floor by the albino, who's so used to Giuseppe's cruel treatments that this seems the norm for him. Once he's asleep, Teo falls into the depths of another night terror, one that wakes Alaki. The wolf becomes upset to find the albino rejecting the blanket and bed, and concerned with the boy's nightmare. More interested in lecturing the poor kid, he nudges Teo awake with his foot. Teo wakes, but he's terrified and confused. Instinctively and in his panic, he backs away from Alaki and pins himself to a wall. Once he realizes the situation, he calms down a bit, apologizing for waking Key. Alaki will have nothing of it, though, and he orders Teo onto the bed. Matteo, being the submissive 'pet' that he is at this point, crawls onto the bed and nervously awaits 'punishment'. His sentence? A long, over-winded lecture from Alaki, who's more concerned about the blanket than anything else. Once he's finished, silence overtakes the pair. In a moment of weakness, Alaki brushes his hand across Teo's face, only to catch himself and back off again. Teo gets all emotional and reaches back for his dark 'knight'. Yet again, Beyaz acts as a convenient plot device and scares Teo, making the little hybrid launch himself at Alaki. Tears follow, melting the 'knight's' heart and then there are cuddles, Japanese confessions and sleepy words. The two fall asleep in each others' arms, happy and content. D'aw.

  12. Sweet child of mine (May 12th)

    Huge plot twist! Gemma comes to pay Teo a visit and the two gush over Carissa, who absorbs the positive attention like a sponge. Gemma mentions that Alaki was the one who gave her to Giuseppe and Teo snaps. Enraged, hurt and feeling very betrayed, he goes off the deep end, scaring poor Gemma and Carissa with his suddenly all-too-real Trovato temper. He apologizes to Gemma, not just for exploding, but for getting her involved with his messed up life. Gemma disagrees, liking her new life and willing to put up with Giuseppe, but Teo doesn't listen. Alaki walks, sparking Teo's temper again and a vicious argument between the two males follows, one that leaves Teo heartbroken and without his best friend and love interest. The thread was never finished, but an ooc ending would've been Gemma leaving Teo to cool down alone, resulting in a rage-induced tear fest. This thread is also known as "the argument thread" and is the start of the next plot chapter, "Loyalties Divided".

    Summer, 2011 :: Loyalties Divided
  13. Δ Nature (Date undecided, happens before the argument thread.)

    Teo and Alaki head out to visit AniWaya, to help Matteo advance some in his new Anzu rank. They meet the friendly AniWayan woman named Liliana, who gladly helps out. The thread was never finished but it was agreed that Teo learned a few things about horses and other basic animal care that day.

  14. Δ Just inhale deeply. (May 16th) (M)

    Matteo is grumping about the caves, still sore about his argument and falling out with Alaki, when he comes across a woman smoking a joint. Turns out, this is Demi D'Angelo, Anathema's medic and a close relative of Naniko, the leader. The two enjoy each other's company and Demi convinces Teo to relax and take a puff. By the end of it, Teo's injested some questionable mushrooms and has inhaled his fair share of green smoke, resulting in a very stoned, very high pair of luperci. The two share stories and go on a magical adventure. In the end, Teo is helped home and he crawls into bed, visions of brightly colored plants and weird singing ducks still dancing in his head as he drifts to sleep. (Ending was decided OOCly, and Teo's made a very good friend in Demi).

  15. Δ Topic Title (MM dd)


  16. Δ Topic Title (MM dd)


  17. Δ Topic Title (MM dd)


Very Simple Character Archive by Sie!
.vsca-credit { width:95%; margin:0 auto; font-family:georgia, serif; font-size:10px; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:.05px; text-align:right;}
/*Just some general notes: You can use this to keep track of your Word of the Day or game points, too. It counts them automatically for you, then. 8D An example of this can be found in Sie's postlog (http://www.soulsrpg.com/ipb/index ... st&p=95421). Please feel free to quote the post and lift that example, though I swear there's nothing different about that code than the code provided here! Also, remember, if you use the basic DIV shell in multiple posts, you only need to include the CSS once! That's it! And then you can control all of your archives with one CSS, if you please! If not, and you want multiple different layouts for each character and you plan to customise each one, *PLEASE* remember to change your class names from .char to your character's name or another unique identification, otherwise your CSSes will overlap and it will be bad.*/
.char-archive {width:95%; margin:0 auto; font-family:'times new roman', times, serif; font-size:14px;}
/* Main DIV control. This controls your base text. If you want a background or border, you can add them here. You can combine this with my pure css table tutorial, sort of, and set a background image with padding to make it pretty, if you want. Big Grin*/
.char-archive li {padding:2px 0px; margin:0px; list-style-type: decimal-leading-zero; font-weight:bold;}
/*This controls the list items and gives them 2px padding on the top and bottom, 0px padding to the left and right, and a leading zero on the list numbers. It also makes the font weight of the numbers bold.*/
.char-archive li em {font-family:georgia, serif; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:-.1px; line-height:16px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; }
/*This is so that we can use a different text/font weight/color/etc for our numbers, and have our actual list item content text differ from the numbers. COOL RITE? */
.char-archive ol { list-style-position:inside; padding:0px; margin:0px; }
/* This sets the position of the numbers inside; you can also have them display outside, if you like, which will push all of the text over to the right and separate out the numbers to the left slightly. I wouldn't mess with the padding or margin unless you want to add spacing around your archive list.*/
.char-archive p {text-indent:25px; margin:0px; padding:0px; }
/*Gives your paragraphs a text indent. I generally only would wrap the thread description with a paragraph tag. If you want to give your thread description a little padding or margin or something, you can adjust those values.*/
.char-archive-warn {color:#AA0000; font-weight:bold;} /*Mature thread warning text color and weight. Please remember to mark your mature threads in their titles, the first post with the provided warnings, (http://www.soulsrpg.com/ipb/index ... t&p=107437), and in profiles, archives, and post logs. Anywhere you can give people a heads up about a mature thread is good.*/
.char-archive li a {text-transform:lowercase;}
/*Controls the links used in your list items. If you want all of them to display upper or lowercase, I would recommend setting it via CSS rather than manually typing it in capitalized or all lowercase, because it is far, far easier to go back and change things later if you use CSS to set such things. Smile I typed all of the thread titles in my character archives as properly capitalized and just set the links to display as lowercase. Remember, the fact that the a tag is declared after the li tag means that only links within your list items will change; any links outside of this (e.g., where the Wiki Profile / Detailed Profile links are) are not affected.*/
.char-post {font-size:15px; color:#8C0404;}
/*If you want to use the little symbols, this controls their color and size. I like for the symbols to stick out from the rest of the text, hence the color. They also don't look very good at smaller sizes, that is why they are set for 15px. Feel free to experiment, of course. :3*/
.char-archive .separator { font-family:'times new roman', times, serif; font-size:17px; text-transform:uppercase; border-bottom:1px dotted #000000; font-weight:bold; text-align:right; padding-right:10%;}
/*This is the separator control. Font variables and so forth. A note for the separators, you have to place them WITHIN a list item tag (li) in order for them to function properly for every instance except the first one, which is placed outside of the first ordered list tag (ol). An example of this has been done for you--please remember this, otherwise the separators are liable to break something somehow and you will have to rescue your codez and it will not be fun. */
.char-header {font-family:georgia, serif; font-size:22px; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:1px; font-weight:bold; }
/*Controls the "Character Name" part's font and etc.*/
.char-title {width:50%; float:left;}
/* Makes the part with your character name and the notes beneath it float to the left. You can change this to right, just remember to set char-notes float to left. */
.char-notes {float:right; width:50%;}
/*Makes your character notes float to the right. You can change this to left, just remember to set char-post float to right too.*/
.char-list {clear:both; padding-top:10px;}
/*This makes your list clear the title and character notes divs. Don't touch this.;P You can change the padding so that there is a different amount between the thread list and your upper two divs; beyond that leave this part alone.*/

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