Spending Time With Strangers

OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; 502 words

Her reliance on scent to tell her what something was rather than taking in the visual interpretation was the source of confusion for many. Especially when it came to her talking about wolves. That was something that had earned a fair amount of confusion in itself simply because she refused to recognize wolves as being anything but monsters, let alone sentient beings. To her they stank and therefore were dubbed as stinky in her mind. That was the only term they got besides being referred to as it as well. So because of her outright refusal to use any other words and terms to talk about and describe wolves there had been some confusion over that as well. But for being as young as she was the small girl was quite set in her ways.

The young female gave a nod of her head to his words. Yes, she had expected him to be coyote. And in the same token she had expected everyone in Inferni to be coyote as well. That didn't seem to be the case though. From what she had smelled thus far it seemed as if she was the only true coyote in Inferni. "That is what I thought. It is what I had heard. But I have not found anyone else. Everyone smells weird and not like a coyote." The girl explained herself as best as she could with her limited knowledge of the world and its various scents.

"Do you like it there? Or are you going to move here?" If they had the same buildings then she didn't see why it should matter much in which place was stayed. Or maybe she was just biased and favored Inferni above all else even if it wasn't living up to all of the stories that she had heard about it. Even so, it was better than being banned and having to live outside of the skull lined borders and always having to deal with stinkies taking everything. So yes, she still favored Inferni even if it wasn't exactly like all of the tales that she had been told about it.

The girl tried to cross her eyes in an attempt to try and see the scratches on her nose but that didn't exactly work out. Instead she just licked at them again. "They do not hurt that much anymore." Or maybe that was just because she was being distracted from them by the conversation that was being had. "I usually play with Mr. Squishy but he got in an accident." Not that the other would know who or what Mr. Squishy was. "I am going to hunt stinkies too." Or at least Halo had promised to take her out wolf hunting. So either way that Symera played it had a morbid theme to it, from a dead bird to killing wolves. But wasn't that the way of life? It was a kill or be killed world, or such Symera had learned of it from an early start.

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