With patience wrongs are turned right
They were all fools.

They were fools to trust one another, they were fools to believe that those that were just would rise in triumph after all the devastation that had occurred. Anu would be foolish enough to hope that her family was safe, as well as the Utina's, and her beloved pack. But she would not be fooled by this beast. Anu felt the helplessness leave her, the pain was gone for just a brief moment as she felt her teeth break his flesh. The woman had been nothing compared to the warrior that had stolen her from her home. But now she was powerful. He scrambled to defend himself, but the wolfess attempted another painful bite before falling back. She fell to the ground looked at the pale wolf, whose ghostly appearance was no longer. The blood that now showed made him look far more mortal.

Mouth bloodied and teeth stained Anu bared her fangs, but moved back towards the wall that she had been looking at before he had come to her. Anu did not take her eyes off of him, Leave. She spoke, terrified and yet empowered at the same moment.

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