It's all there is

Naniko wasn't sure how she thought of things. She didn't appreciate the fact that a coyote had been hanging around their borders, but as long as he hadn't come inside them, what was the big deal? It wouldn't have been enough of an incentive for her to leave the packlands and follow...

Plus, Conri leaving without her knowing about it, too...that wasn't good. If they'd wanted to, the entire rest of the clan could have come and taken Twilight Vale while he was gone. From now on, they would both have to spend a lot more time inside the lands. And this injury pretty much forced Conri to do would be painful to do anything for him for a while. "Probably cracked. Here...take this for the pain. You can't do anything for ribs but wrap them up a little to make sure that you don't jar them. They'll grow back together. They snap easily, because they're so thin..." But surely he knew that too, from years of hunting.

She handed him the medicine, biting her lip. "No. You shouldn't have."


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