Rory's Green Thumb?
ooc: Hope it's ok to PP Rory picking her up.


She paused her drawing long enough to poke her nose at his leg and sniff at his fur, then looked up at him. There was no smell of paint on him, so she was satisfied. “I guess you were. It’s different.” She muttered as she turned back to her drawing and continued. “I’m Erzulie,” she reminded the dirt, though she meant to tell that to Rory. She wasn’t fully satisfied with his answer about the accent, but she was preoccupied and didn’t have any follow up questions in queue, so that was one topic that was done for. Daddy talks a little different too, I guess.

Then he said he wasn’t sick. She stopped drawing and turned to him again, her face long with disappointment. She scratched out the lines she had started. “You’re not? Why not?” She wanted him to be, she really wanted to test out her new symbol. “Are you just a weird-o then?”

But no, that wasn’t the case either. The problem was that Erzulie didn’t know what a well was. Her eyes turned to the well and she stared at it curiously. Why was there water in there? Water was for rivers and lakes, not rocks. He offered to hold her up but she wanted to take a look for herself, so she hopped up onto her hind legs and propped her forepaws on the edge. She stretched her little body as tall as she could go and craned her neck to see down into the well, but she wasn’t quite able to peer down on her own. Finally she glanced over her shoulder at Rory.

“Yes, please!” She said, and giggled when he picked her up; his fingers tickled her ribs and she squirmed in his grasp. Yet soon she caught sight of the dark expanse of the well, and she looked far down into it to see the water that collected below.

“Ooooh!” she was wide-eyed, face wondrous. “How’d it get there? Did you put it there? Why don’t you do whatever you did to get it there to get it to the Pump Kinberry Gourds?” Still suspended in the air over the well, the bucket of water caught her attention, and she pawed at it. One white extremity dipped into the cool water and she hooked her toes over the edge, pulling the bucket towards her. Water sloshed out and she laughed… a moment later someone laughed below her.

“Ah!” she yelped, looking down again in surprise. Someone yelled back. “There’s someone trapped down there!” ‘Trapped down there… down there…’ they called back. The pup bristled, her whole body going stiff in Rory’s hands. Then she snorted and yelled down. “No, I’m up here! You’re down there.” ‘Down there…’ She looked over her shoulder at Rory. “They’re not very smart. Guess that’s why they got stuck in the well.”

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