Rory's Green Thumb?
“My echo?” She repeated, staring down into the darkness of the well. No way was he getting away with that one. Nuh-uh. Some funny word wasn't going to pacify here. There was someone down there, for sure. Then it dawned on her. “Ohh... my echo...” It was a magic well, that was it. And by 'echo' he must have meant something like a spirit. The girl nodded her understanding to the open hole, and then turned her head towards the man and nodded again. “Yes please,” she said, and waited patiently to be set down.

Once her paws were firmly on the ground again she saw the dirt she'd disrupted and remembered the veve she'd scratched out. “Oh, it's these pictures my friend showed me. Legba.” Thanks to her short childish attention span she hadn't answered the man earlier when he asked about Legba, but she was getting around to it now. “I met him on a road one day. I don't see him a lot but sometimes he leaves these pictures for me, so I copy 'em 'til I know 'em by heart. They do things... one of them raised a chicken from the dead!” Well, actually the chicken incident had just been due to a broken neck and the spasmodic nervous system of the fowl, but she didn't know that.

Her eyes moved to the well and she started sniffing around at the base. A paw scratched at one of the stones and then at the ground beneath it. The dirt all around was damp with moisture from the water hidden beneath the surface. She started paddling her paws, digging a small hole in the ground to see what this was all about, but she didn't come up with a puddle. She stopped digging and turned her eyes to the Irishman.

“If that's all you have to do then why don't you just dig a hole by the Pump Kinberries?” It was pure, unadulterated logic. She looked at him like she was surprised he hadn't thought of it before, and then grinned as if she'd solved all the world's problems.


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