Save Me My Friend
The huntress gripped her face trying not to cry but every other part of her was. Her wounds peeling open from the strain mixing new blood with the dried that still stained her fur. She grabbed her ribs sore and aching; her ear twitched at a noise behind her but her mind remained erratic, her body still. She did not care being seen in that moment, didn’t care if it was some beast who wanted to kill her or otherwise. It wasn’t until she felt his grasp around her that she startled and yelped ready to defend herself. Instinct to stay alive still ran through her even in this state.

It wasn’t until his scent filled her that she realized she had known him, she looked up into his white eyes confused and bewildered by his presence. Had she died somehow and had not known it? She took the moment as such and wrapped her arms around his waist pressing her cheek to his chest feeling comforted that he was with her. Then his heart beat steadily beneath her, it was a noise so beautiful that she just let everything go. Her whimpers finally escaped, her claws extended and retracted with each gasp and heave. Why were the spirits being so kind to her after all that had happened? What brought him to her just when she needed him the most?

Oh Leon… I... I failed her… Was all she could release between cries as she gripped unto him hoping never to let go. She could feel his tension, his own body wracked with stress. She wondered what he was doing there but the question could not escape through her fitful breaths. She licked his chest just slightly as she wept, for her words could not express just how much joy it brought her to see him, to feel his embrace. He was her angel in a moment of need. She spoke again only when her cries subsided enough to speak once more. I... I don’t belong here… I should just… just go home to my father. The words she swore never to be a reality escaping her, Leon would know just how much she had given up from that sentence. Just how much faith she had lost in herself.

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