[AW] Welcome Home
OOC: Sorry for the dramatics... what can I say she's crazy XD

What were they talking about? What rock? She looked down at her hand and the dagger she had perceived to see was no longer there just a smooth stone with no chance of penetrating anything. She dropped it and rummaged through the satchel frantically finding nothing else she could use as a weapon. So she dropped to her haunches and cowered grasping her head. No, please, please don’t take me. Take all I got just don’t hurt me, don’t take me away. She begged in a old western accent. She dumped the satchel further revealing nothing but junk, the only item that seemed of some use was a ball of wool speared by two knitting needles.

She muttered and whimpered quietly just glancing at the two strange males. Were they one of them? Were they there to take her for good this time? She saw the one almost as frightened as she was but it was a trick she was sure of it. Her feverish insanity growing ever more frantic with the seconds; she looked around for an escape. She felt completely surrounded for crows seemed to be everywhere. Oh lordy. There’s no way out. She cried out. It was clear she wasn’t an average coydog as she rocked slightly grasping her knees. Are… are you them? She asked slightly hopeful but would she believe them if they told her no? She felt she had been lied to, far too often.

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