[AW] Welcome Home
OOC: Ah this thread is refreshingly entertaining. ^_^

The fear was just too much to handle her heart beating wildly seemingly about ready to stop in her chest. She didn’t know what they wanted, what they were going to do or say. The weary male stared only at the other disregarding her, what was wrong here? Something was off. The black and white male acted clueless he even looked concerned for the frightened female. These questions in her mind set something in motion that she had come to recognize. No… no… not now. She whimpered with a lowered voice. She glanced behind her things were there that only she saw visible. They were inching closer her fear gripping hold of her, she wanted to warn the others to run but no words were coming out. She shut her eyes completely ready to scream as the things behind her approached ready to rip her from consciousness. Suddenly the girl’s eyes widened her body froze momentarily.

Xyza blinked for a few seconds her eyes hurting she felt she had just woken from a terrible nightmare but could not remember the plot. She looked around at her feet sure enough yet another pile and her knitting needles out of her bag. The routine of her “sleepwalking” was rather annoying the girl; it seemed to happen far more often since arriving. She sighed slightly and grabbed the wool ball placing it into her sack. Her hands hurt a little and wondered if she had tripped. Was that what woke me up? She thought.

Then she smelled something, she looked up startled by the two males standing before her she fell to her bottom. The one look terribly worried of the other who had been glancing between the pair. What’s going on here? What are you doing to this poor wolf? Her voice was different a polish accent now strongly in place as the western sounds were gone. She stood and crossed her arms giving the male a rather distasteful look waving her finger at him. Can’t you see how terrified he is? Are you alright sir? She looked to the brownish male with a concerned expression rounding the black and white dog to approach the wolf. What has he done to you? Her voice soothing and coddling.

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