The waiting game
OOC text

Saxif smiled back at Ibycus before rushing down the stairwell. As the final stairs came closer she had to stop abruptly for a gaping hole became apparent. She fought to keep her balance but realized it was a losing battle. She pushed forward with her arms outstretched hoping to clear the gap. Her hands clawed the other side until she was able to grasp well-secured boards on the opposite side. She grunted as she pulled herself to level ground and let out a breath of relief. Whew, that was close. Be careful at the bottom there’s a huge hole.

Her heart beat wildly as she peered over the edge a bit. The hole was clearly deep as the light seemed swallowed by the decks below. She noticed some of the edge where boards were turned up, claw marks clearly upon them. Something big must have fell through. She said as she stood shaking the final stages of her nerves running rampant. She backed away from the hole and glanced around the stairwell. About 3 steps from the hole there seems to be solid flooring. She carefully made her way over and tested the buoyance of the ground. Yup it’s sturdy. You can climb over the railing here… that is if you still want to look around. It was a playful taunt to the male for her curiosity was still great. One thing for sure was that she would definitely take her steps more carefully.

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