All of life's simple things
As the two stood in silence, Oxford couldn't help but find it amusing that one of the first beings he'd had contact with while in his clan, apart from his initial acceptance, was not even a member of the clan. Ox couldn't know whether he was treating her the way he was supposed to be treating an outsider. She was not fully wolf, that was certain, so did that mean that it was acceptable not to treat her as completely hostile? He had little experience in being a member of a group and even less experience in the matter of war. Hopefully he had not done wrong, else Gabriel would not be pleased with him, of that much he was certain.

Dhalia spoke again, allowing a flurry of words to escape her lips. So she'd wait. Fair enough, he hadn't been too keen on disturbing Gabriel himself. But then she asked for a chat and Oxford figured there would be no harm in that. He had remained standing while she'd taken a seat, thinking that it would be wise not to even let her assume he had let his guard down. Nor would it seem as though he was protecting his lands should Gabriel come along and find him seated at the border having a friendly chat with an outsider. "Certainly," he responded to her question, letting the word slip slowly from his mouth in an almost unfriendly way. "Is there something on your mind?" he asked, meeting her blue eyes directly with his emerald ones.


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