When did this get here?
no problem Big Grin

Her head twisted around and tan tipped ears pricked as a howl cut through the almost silent plains lands, coming from a stretch of border that was back the way she had just come. With a sigh of duty the femme turned and began the journey towards where the howl had come from. The added weight of her stomach slowed her down somewhat, the pull of it on her back was fierce and made her spine ache and she longed for the chance to lay down upon her bed, after she had seen to whomever was at the border she was going to go home for a nap.

The man that eventually came to view was kitted out in strange clothes and things wrapped around his arms. He was taller than her by a substantial amount and she was reminded of the man who had tried to attack her at Phoenix Valley's borders. Subconsciously her hands rested against her thighs over the sheaths that her ceremonial knives were kept in. She at least tried to look some kind of welcoming but the man's attire and his expression kept a smile from fully forming upon her maw. Her tail twitched edgily behind her,

"Can I help you?"

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