All of life's simple things
Oxford listened as she spoke, mentioning other family, but did not respond to it. He wasn't really sure what he was supposed to say and so he said nothing at all. He took one step towards his den, hesitant on whether or not to go. But she was young, she said she had connections here, and Oxford considered himself a good judge of character and if he was judging correctly, she meant no harm. He listened as she agreed to follow him and nodded in response to her thoughts on the weather, looking up at the rainy sky himself. "The days have been filled with rain since I arrived here," he said. "I wonder what the sun is hiding from," he thought aloud, wondering if she would find the words foolish, not caring if she did.

"There are caves at the top of that hill," he said, gesturing to it. "It is where my den is located and is pretty much the only source of shelter up here, if you don't mind making the walk," he explained already moving forward as she followed. "Maybe we will meet Gabriel on the way," he added and moved at a faster pace. He had never liked the rain and the sooner he was out, the better.The two walked alongside each other for awhile, thunder rumbling in the distance as the tears from above continued to fall before finally they had reached the top of the hill and were nearing Oxford's den. "This way," he led her to the mouth of his tiny cave, the pelt of a deer laid out as a rug in the center, his tools for making jewelry and weapons strewn about along with some of his other few belongings.

"Excuse the mess. We can just wait out the worst of the storm, and once it is over I'll take you back to the border to wait for Gabriel," he told her, shaking some water from his coat. His den was very plain apart from some interesting things he'd collected through trades such as wines, human shoes, and even a trumpet that he'd gotten for a necklace once. His walls were bare apart from a painting he'd received that hung alone. He sat down on the edge of his bed and pat the spot next to him, permitting her to join. "I am Oxford, by the way," he said, remember he had yet to reveal his name.


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