It's all there is

What had happened to them? Naniko cared a lot about him...about what he did. And had done. He'd just made things worse for the pack and had gotten himself hurt in the process! What good had any of his little idea done for anybody? None. And even right now it was still wreaking havoc, breaking the tranquility between the Andromeda and Perseus.

"Why did you even need to follow him in the first place? To find out if he was from should have been able to smell it on him. Or why don't we just assume that /all/ coyotes are from there? Because if this is what you have to do to find out, then I don't even want to know!" It didn't even matter if the coyote was from Inferni. "Did they come inside our borders? Breach our lands? If they didn't, then you should have just turned around and tried to forget about them."

There were some differences between her and Conri, in the way that they handled some things...and it was becoming starkingly obvious now. "If you think you're going to be like your father, then maybe you should just go. I thought you were better than very different from him that you would never, ever compare yourself to him."

"You know what? You need to buck up and admit it when you do something stupid. Because this was SO stupid of you!" He neared the door and she watched him, eyes narrowing, one hand going unconciously to rest on her abdomen. "Go. I know how to take care of myself, Conri. And I can raise my children alone."


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