When did this get here?
The man seemed to have no reaction to her words and the fur along her spine bristled even more, was he here to play games with her? If so then she would have a sharp few words for him, the she wolf had suffered a sudden enormous shift in mood that was normal for carrying mothers and she had not been n a very good mood to begin with. She found the further along she got the more easily irritated she was. She visibly flinched at the noise his belt made as it hit the floor and watched suspiciously as he moved away from them, what was he playing at?

She was taken aback as he suddenly bowed to her and apologized for being on Ichika No Ho-en's borders, but hadn't he called her? He could have just gone on his own way around instead of making her double back on herself. She shifted position, sliding her weight onto one leg with the hip thrown out and crossed her arms over her chest lightly. his obvious embarrassment went some of the way to placating her suddenly aggrovated feelings.

"Ichika No Ho-en has only been here about four months now. We practice the morals of peace and the joys of harmony."

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