To call those of truth and wonder
my head aches so just pretend Jace is telling Sam about her house okay?

She was consumed in her thoughts and lost in her minds so much that she never even noticed Samantha coming up behind her until the younger girl spoke. She was engrossed in watching the horses go about thier lives as though she herself did not exist but was merely an accepted part of their environment now. She let out a soft sigh of contentment that turned into a silent gasp as the voice made her startle a little bit. She turned around to face Samantha, leaning back against the fence for balance, a passive smile on her face despite her beating heart.

"Hello! Of course, of course." She pushed herself up and away from the fence, wobbling a little before she regained her balance, her tail held straight out behind her to help as the large bulge of her stomach sent her balance senses haywire. She gestured for the female to walk with her and started off in the direction of the mountains where the mountain goats lived. To fill the silence Jace began to chatter idly about the state of her house and all the things that needed fixing until she finally stopped talking,

"But enough about me and my life, how have you been? I haven't seen you since the hunt. Are you settling in well? Found a place to stay yet?"

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