It's all there is
"Then why would you think I went looking for a fight?!" He spun back around suddenly, fighting the tears that threatened to take him. "You think I want to fight with them, to put you all in danger?" Would she honestly think that of him? "If he didn't seem suspicious I wouldn't have trailed him, if he didn't smell the slightest bit like Inferni, I wouldn't have gone! I couldn't be sure because it was so faint!" He was practically shouting, though it wasn't anger that had taken him, it was a desperate wish for her to understand. "What if they're scouting our borders? What if they're looking for a weak spot or somewhere to get in that will take us a while to notice them?" Could she not just see it from his eyes? "Look at me Naniko! I'm a fucking cripple! How am I supposed to protect everyone if I don't have time to plan?!" And it was true, Conri had only been able to see himself as a cripple, and now more than ever.

"If wanting to protect you is stupid then call me stupid all you want.. I don't care, because that's all I was trying to do!" Her hand against her stomach hadn't caught his attention and he was about to do exactly what she wanted him to. He turned to leave, only to be stunned by the words that finally came. Her children? Unsure if he heard right, Conri turned back, jade gaze falling immediately to her stomach, to her hand there, and all the desperation and anger washed out from him in that very moment. "Children?" It came out as a whisper, afraid that if he spoke to loudly it simply wouldn't be true. Suddenly, Conri dropped, knees hitting hard on the floor, right in front of her. His hand reached out to lay just over top of hers, half on her hand and half on her stomach, and his head tilted up to stare at her through tear filled eyes. "We have children?"


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