Out of Sync

By the time Temo returned she was slicing up the already cooked meat into strips and arranging them neatly, a large flat rock had been placed into the fire to heat them up and fry them on with. She heard him come in and an ear flicked towards him but continued with her task until it was finished. She then realised what he had said about the grouse and turned to inspect it, taking it from him and looking it over, her response was distracted but positive, she dumped the bird back on the counter and picked up the potatoes and other things, plunging them into the bucket half filled with cold water,

"Good good, do you mind plucking it while I wash and peel these vegetables? Thanks." She didn't wait for an answer and began to scrub the vegetables of both the dirt covering them and their skin. When they were scrubbed raw she pulled them out of the water and sliced them up into bite sized chunks and mixed them all together before scooping them into a second half filled bucket of clean water, that had been poured from the first when she had collected it. She swirled her hands around in it to wash off any residue and left them to soak. Mumbling to herself like a crazy she made her way over to the fire glowing in the corner of the hearth.

She added some more twigs to the fire and poked the rocks closer to the center of the heat, they needed to be glowing before she could add them to the water in the cooking skin. The skin was that of a bear's, reinforced on the inside by extra layers of skin and leather, it would ensure the rocks would not burn through and spill the stew everywhere, the inside layers could be replaced as they wore out.

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