To call those of truth and wonder
[html]OOC- dropped the table....had no time to post it...
Please forgive my fail...this Rain/Samantha business is making my head spin! XD
Samantha smiled and began to walk with Jace. She was excited for the task, she did like to hunt and this gave her an opportunity. When the woman asked her about her life so far, a shy smile crept across Samantha's features. "Well...I have sorta found...a mate. I haven't found a place to live yet though.I am
Thinking of Trenton, but Rain kinda wants me to live in Anathema...But I don't really want to leave Ichika. I am enjoying Ichika. It is so beautiful here."
She knew that Jace was leading her towards the mountains, her heart was pounding. She wanted so bad to be a real member of Ichika. She followed Jace, happy that she would be able to show what she can do for Ichika.

Smiling and walking, her heart pounding in excitement and anxiety, she smiled at Jace, she had asked Jace to accompany her with her initiation task. She hoped that when this was over, she hoped that they would be friends.[/html]

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