Of Deer and Ichika

OOC here!

The young girl was content to do whatever she was told, whenever she was told it. It seemed as if she would need to choose whether to be in the chase or ambush group, though, and of this she was not certain. The girl's leg was healed fully, Saul had said...but was she truly well enough to be using it for that length of time? The idea of her faltering and messing up the hunt made her ears droop slightly as she thought over each option. Each one had some way for her to fail, some way for her to mess things up. But laying in wait and attacking sounded less strenuous, in the big picture. Near the end it would probably get more dicey, but her leg wouldn't have already gone through the strain of a mile run.

"I'll ambush." She had no weapons other than her teeth and claws, but those would work just as well for her. She had never been one to use human-made weapons, preferring to stick to the basics. Wretch watched what the others were doing carefully, standing behind with those who had said that they would prefer to ambush the deer as well. She was excited and terribly nervous, her heart thudding in her chest and filling up her ears with its sound. She could be the one to mess this entire hunt up...but she hoped that she wasn't.

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Table image © me'nthedogs @ Flickr

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