Paint my cheeks with roses



Perhaps it was a mistake to direct her direct attention away from him so soon. Ivory daggers glinted behind dark lips as they parted to draw in a deeper breath of oxygen infested by her presence. But he would obviously give anything to see ecstasy glow brighter in her eyes. But as her expectations visibly grew, his confidence dropped steadily in a pace that was close to frightening.

He swallowed the fictional lump in his throat and focused on the smile that had yet to leave his lips, fortunately. She begged him not to tease, and he wouldn’t. Salvia’s brother could never move against her wishes, and never would he want to. He turned from her and took the few steps over to the veiled case and picked it up.

There seemed to be a low, muffled hiss from the creature behind the veil, but barely enough for dark ears to notice. Did his sister even like felines? Worried thoughts would often soar in situations such as these, but at least, if she didn’t like what he had brought, he could always take a second trip at some point to find a gift worthy of her. Silvery eyes were wary, and his smile wouldn’t stay. But, slowly, he turned to hold the wooden prison out before her, and all she had to do was to lift the cloth away and to smile or frown.

Table by kiki

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