Jigsaw [P]uzzles

Don't worry about it Smile WC: 962

The little female was slowly regaining her confidence with the large bird of prey, if Niro said that she was safe to be around then she was certain that she must be, after all the male would not want her to be in any danger, at least that was what she thought; he was a father himself after all and a member of the pack, the pack was Robin's family, she hoped that everyone thought the same and wanted to protect one another. The alabaster male seemed like a trustworthy wolf, so she trusted him, after all if he was indeed careless or reckless when it came to the large birds then she was sure that Jiva would be in several pieces by now, he was smaller than she was, if she could be dinner for these large birds then he most certainly could end up on the supper table. The patchwork girl listened as the male spoke again, he had a reassuring tone when he spoke, which gave the small female more confidence, more trust in the words that he spoke. When he said that the little female should be proud, that she was now one of a very exclusive club of wolves that this bird liked, in fact it had only two members, the young female's tail began to wag as he said this, perhaps it was not all bad after all; she was not in pain and the bite had not really hurt that much, it had been more the sudden shock that had sent the patchwork girl scarpering across the stables to her hiding place.
"She really likes me? Wow, I feel a bit special now, it was ok that you nipped me birdy, but don't surprise me like that again." The young Aatte replied, speaking first to Niro and then to the large bird perched upon his arm. The young red boy spoke, sounding disappointed that the large bird had never done that to him, the little patchwork girl padded over to him and have him a little headbutt of affection as the pale male explained that he never stayed still long enough to be bitted, the little female herself was never very still herself, she was always bouncing here and there; it was simply awe that had kept her so close to the bird for enough time to be bitten affectionately by her.
"I would not worry about it Jiva, I am sure that she likes you as well," the patchwork pup said kindly, smiling at the younger male.

The male seemed to take the girl's rapid fire of questions as she spoke to him. He seemed more than happy to explain to her all the ins and outs of bird ageing, Robin was pleased that the male did not seem too phased that she asked so many questions at once; the patchwork girl was aware that she could be a little overwhelming to those that did not know her well, but she could not help it, she was just a curious soul that could never help but ask a hundred questions a minute. She listened as he spoke, her tail wagging as he explained, saying that Jiva and herself would have been tiny when they were born, her small brow furrowed as she thought of it, her sister Felicity was still a little smaller than herself, was that what he meant? She remembered when she had first started adventuring, that everything around her had seemed a lot bigger, though she supposed that she had been much smaller, she did not remember this time though, when would she have been so small that she would have been comparible to the large eagle and the small egg that she came from. It was a curious thought for the little female, she knew that she had grown in her mother's stomach, but was not sure how she would have gotten there, but she could not imagine being as small as the egg that Niro had gestured at with his fingers.
"Why were we so small? Why don't I remember being that small? How strange that a bird that big came from a small thing. When will we be fully grown?" The patchwork girl asked, still filled with questions, she was longing to grow up, to be big enough to protect the lands alongside her father, it was taking far too long for the small girl, she wanted to be seen as a useful creature and not just a pup and she wanted to be seen that way soon! The male then said that he had only been keeping the birds for arounf a year, the small girl nodded her mottled head, that made sense, for some wolves things like this were easy to learn and put into action, she supposed that he must have been that sort of wolf, that he had learned to keep the birds and had been doing so ever since, just as she hoped to be when she was given her bow. The male then spoke about the birds that he looked after, the small female raised her head to look at the large eagle that sat in the rafters, her tail wagging as well.
"None of those will bite me will they?" The small female asked, looking at the male with something akin to a nervous expression. Then the male asked if she would like to see the present that he had for his daughter, the girl's tail wagged furiously, she enjoyed being trusted with secrets.
"Oh yes please! I can keep a secret, I promise!" The little female exclaimed, excited now, her tail wagging, she bounced slightly from foot to foot as she looked at the male, eager to see the present.

Table by Marie Lyrics and image copyright disney

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