[M] You Ruined All. For Yourself.
She smiled feeling far more relaxed once the male cuffed her hand. He was obviously quite a character if he was so willing to befriend one such as her after what happened. This intrigued the female as she tilted her head to the side. Inferni? Haven’t heard much about ‘em. But as he sniffed and asked her where she hailed she grew uncomfortable again. Her troubles had been momentarily forgotten with in all the rush of their meeting. She thought for a moment thinking to almost tell a lie, to make up a falsified history as the truth discomforted her. As she gave a slight point to where the wood piece he seemed to be searching for she spoke with unease.

I was with AniWaya to the South… but the new leader felt it necessary to expel me from the lands. It’s a long story. The short version would always make her seem guilty but lately she had been regretting the act. Though the conflict of her mind always threw her off for what she did saved her mate’s life. Her mate who she had just left hours before their paths crossed. She felt her chest ache and tried to distract herself focusing on this Carrion character. Did you make that? She pointed at the spear head rather envious of it but her weapon of choice was the bow and her dagger which she no longer had.

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