Driving me Crazy

OOC: Smile) WC:263

The man let himself smile for a bit, though his frustration with the bird was apparent. He was happy he wouldn't have to move through the city alone. He shrugged as the man admitted to not knowing what he wanted in the first place.

“In human places like these, most of the time we never know what we are looking for. The stuff we seek tends to find us,”

Niro said starting to walk slow, keeping his eyes out for the stupid bird. Not only the bird but anything that could possibly want to rip his throat out. Niro was quite confident in his fighting skills but there were some encounters that he never wanted to experience again and that was with that wolf in the factory. Looking back at Zalen Niro smiled.

“I live in Cour des Miracles, I'm the majordomo, or also the babysitter of the pack, and huntsman.... quite a combination I know, but I like what I do, I'm afraid that out here my high rank means little and I'm on the same footing as any other wolf.”

Niro was a humble wolf and didn't care much for the attention that his titles gave him. Yes he was highly ranked, entrusted with the pups, but he was also a hunter, and still a man, and he could easily bleed like any other. Niro had always been cautious all his life, due to the unfortunate upbringing in Florida. He was not willing to trust easy, and not willing to give anyone an excuse to hurt him.

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