[M] morning after.

WC:560+ - Moody Key be moody... Teo
better get explaining quickly xD

Dried blood fell away from his stained fur, the smell soaked deeply all over him. “Fucking useless coyote, couldn't die cleanly” he swore out loud, his hand rubbing roughly along his arm in an attempt to dislodge some of the dried blood. Fur ran through one of the many small cuts across his palm and he let out a string of curses, shaking his hand this way and that with irritation. Although he looked like something a cat had thrown back up, he had received few injuries accept for some small scrapes, scratches and the odd puncture wound, the blood that coated him from head to toe belonged to the dead coyote, the foolish creature was dumb enough to cross Anathema borders and assault a female before his eyes, the loner male had not died pleasantly nor quickly. Images of the others torture spread through his mind, slowly filling him with a sick bliss, the knowledge that he had removed a sick bastard from the world by being an even more twisted one bothered him little, he simply revealed in the fact of how easy the other had been to kill. So little resistance it had put up, so much the male had bled and begged, but no matter how the loner pleaded, the Elgios had shown him no mercy or pity.

Finding a secure tree, he spent the night outside to cool himself down before he returned to the frightened girl and his own family; he wasn't entirely sure how much Teo knew about his love of killing and general instability when he fights and so he stayed away to protect them from himself, he would rather Teo know little about the darker parts of his mind if and when possible. As night fell and morning was due to arrive he began the trek home, not bothering to wash his blades nor himself, simply to return home as quick as possible and make sure everything was okay. Part of him thought it would be best to stay away longer, until his mind was completely at peace and the adrenaline long gone out of his system, but the yearning for his mate had to be sated and he had to see the white one as soon as possible.

Entering into the caves familiar darkness swallowed him, paws padding silently down familiar trails, his destination was his home. One of the few changes from his old dwelling to the family place was the door; an inconvenient contraption the made him stop outside and faff around instead of just walking in. Pushing the wooden plank open he entered the main chamber to find the place empty, the sound of voices coming from his and Teo's quarters. Heading in that direction he opened yet another door and stood in the doorway, slumped against the door's frame, his eyebrows instantly shooting up in disapproval, arms crossed and a small show of teeth; possessive as he was, he did not appreciate the female being so close to what was his. “Good to know you were having fun without me” he said, his voice withholding any emotion, a tendency off his that he did when annoyed. Beyaz shuffled slightly upon his shoulder, before jumping off and heading towards his pen; having detected his masters mood he didn't want to get caught up in what may come.

Image courtesy of all-i-oli@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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