you're bearing signs on the avenue

Slow reply, I SUCK! Yeah, he wears his daggers everywhere, strapped to his thighs. 3+

His gaze was volatile, a constant shifting of suspicion, hunger and amusement as it surveyed the beautiful Lykoi maiden. She sat like a princess - She was a princess, and this gave her the power of status, and of standing. But he was a King, and a Hunter, and the Hunter King lived by no rules, not even his own.

Her question was answered with a soft guttural sound of surprise. Sage phrased her words like an inquiry, but they were more a statement than anything. One cream hand lifted to pensively stroke his dark beard, the silver mare halted with a firm hand on black leather reigns. "Well now, Sage, I am so fond of your company, but... My Family, you see, they are so wary of outsiders," His succulent tones, pensive though they were, were accompanied by a glint to the eye that suggested he was doing little more than teasing her. However, pupils narrowed suddenly, and sensing the shift in his temper the silver mare tossed her prettily dished head. "No one, not even your beautiful self, just visits in Salsola, dear girl. Though it is true that I have a softness for your pretty visage, I cannot speak for your safety without me present," There was a dangerous glimmer within acidic olive eyes that warned her not to be bold, nor brash, with this information. "If you must meet with your sibling on Salsolan land, do so by calling me only." If she was by his side, then she would be safe. Without his presence, the shadows that lingered within the Thistle Kingdom would surely devour her alive.

Clearly annoyed with how she had fouled his mood with such serious questions, Sirius shrugged as if to be rid of the solemn atmosphere. The heavy bearhide coat shifted about him like large, dark wings, momentarily revealing the glinting teeth of daggers strapped to his well-muscled thighs. Clucking to the mare, he again neared her, drawing in the Lykoi maiden's scent with a deep breath. Her words pleased the Hunter, and black lips quirked in that deadly smile once more. "I have taken quite a liking to your sister, little dove. I can assure you that she has my protection." He spoke dismissively, as one might about an expensive horse. Clover was beautiful, and her beauty made her valuable to the vain monarch. She made a pretty addition to the trinkets he adorned his home with, and while she was held in the graces of the King, no man would dare lay a finger on her hide. The rules within Salsola were brutal, but clear - What belonged to the Boss was out of reach of all others.

Allowing his steed to still, facing hers, Sirius ran one clawed hand through the dark and unruly tousles of his hair, sweeping them out of his eyes. They sprung back almost immediately, but he didn't seem to notice. "Enough of this chit-chat about others, though. I should so very much like to hear about you. How has dearest Ezekiel been treating you? We are quite good friends, you know," A shallow chuckle anointed these words, clearly marking them as false, "Inferni seems to have sharpened your edges. Have you found a man to smooth them again, my sweet?" He was being awfully bold, asking her such prudent questions. She seemed to be such an innocent, virginal lady. So pure. His hungry eyes watched, and waited.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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