at the races

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Amaranth wasn't so upset today as the days passed she found herself just trying to relax after all Niro hated it when she got so angry so she was trying to keep her top on better. She looked at her brother as they walked she missed out on things like this when they were little. "Did you miss me at all?" She asked as she looked at him. He hadn't really changed the quite and calm one Amaranth first to never shut up.

She really didn't know where they were going nor did she care she wasn't at home with her thoughts and that was good. Though she wished to keep Jiva safe keep him out of this mess. She loved her so much she was his mother after all. "Me too it'll end soon dad wont let it continue to hurt us. Because dad loves mom and we lost uncle Zafier and dad wont let mom be hurt by anything else." She was sounding childish but she knew the Vigi would stop this she knew he would. "you should see mom more she'd pretty up set." She stopped talking when he said something.

Looking around Amaranth's ears turned. "a puppy?" Her siblings were to young to travel this far.

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