notes from the underground
The bond that they had developed in layer upon layer created a synchronicity in their ventures together, leading and following the other in an unheard rhythm. As Ahren opened the door, Poe released her tin lantern from its cufflinked place on her bag with the one-handed ease of an experienced explorer of these brick caverns. Another hand fished out a match and with a squeak, flick and delicate touch, the lantern took light. "In the back," she confirmed with an easy smile and step, leading them through the length of the dark, dusty shop.

On the far end of a wall, empty hooks, a metal stool and a great disturbance in the thick dust marked her previous visit in which she had taken the traps that kept her nourished these days. Beyond this on the back wall, was a cobwebbed doorway that led to a smaller hunting store. Parting the sticky web with her free hand, Poe passed through and held the lantern above her head, shedding light on walls cluttered with mounted animal heads, antique rifles and hunting gear. A collapsed shelving unit had spilled camping gear on the ground to their left, and to their right was a glass viewing case that doubled as a service counter, and a storage room behind a closed door. The floorboards creaked loudly with each of the shadow-girl's steps as she followed the lantern light in search of Ahren's buried treasure, stopping only when she came to the counter. The top was thickly clouded with dust cover, so Poe crouched down to peer through the side. And there, among other choice valuables such as binoculars, compasses and binoculars, was a single crossbow propped up in a corner. "There you are, sir," she said with a satisfied smile. "One crossbow, made just for you."

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