the storms are fading

OOC: lalala sorry for the wait. >.<' +3

When I see your face, my hearts burst into fire!
I'm coming home, I've been gone for far too long.

The flirtatious little girl had wagged her long tail excitedly at the male's positive remarks about how he loved her too. She also let out a little giggle as they found their way towards the large temple and at the craziness that was patterned on the inside and outside of the building as well as the statue guardians that guarded the doors. Her ivory hand touched the stone that was the statue. This place is crazy creepy. the woman spoke rather excitedly, her fur ruffling up at the chills that would run up her spine about intruding on this place. Who knew what dwelt within the walls of this place, whether it be something big like a wild cat or something small like a rat or a bat. It's so cool though! she exclaimed as she moved more into the temple and started to look around. He tail wagged as she looked at all of the statues and all of the things that littered the floor and walls of the temple. There were strange carvings everywhere! If she had been educated then she would actually try to read these things but since both she and Daisuke were illiterate there was no way for her to decipher any of the things on the walls, even if they were written in English.

Hey Jackson, do you know how to read yet? the girl asked as she bounced back over to her brother, wondering if he got any special treatment by their parents as far as being taught things. She wanted to know what else she missed out on since she was not growing up with their parents, rather she was with a loner in a middle of the fucking mountains, always having to bitch about food, and never wanting to walk to get water like they often times had to do because of the fact that there were not many rivers that ran off the mountain. Did daddy teach ya'll anything interesting? she spoke and then looked at the male's necklace of bones. Where'd this come from? she asked, cocking her head to the right and perking her tri-colored ears at the boy, with her tail still wagging softly behind her.

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Image © Requiem!

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