What's Happening ?
[i]Its ok Smile I almost forgot about this thread.[/color]

Ferrari watched her parents talk about Iskander and pout. What about me? I'm hungry Madre...." she whimpered slightly, yawning and teetering slightly on her little paws. She was still tired form the days excursions. She craned her neck to look up at her mother and smiled, her blue eyes sparkling. Ferrari loved her mother and wondered why she always smelled of blood and why she didn't pick her up like the grey lady did. She also wondered who the grey lady was when she opened her eyes but her Padre hadn't told her who the grey lady was but she seemed nice. "Who is Shilwoah and Rally and Ayashie? Will they play with me? Are they friends of Madre's Padre?" she yipped up at them and rubbed against her mothers legs softly before laying by her feet. She curled up with a whine but knew she was in a safe place and that she would be fed when her Madre and Padre where done talking.

She felt Iskander nudge her softly and she looked up at him before nipping his chin. "What'da you want?" she asked as he pawed at her. "Play? he asked as he nipped her ear. She got up and tackled him to the ground before he had her rolling over and they were off.

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