kanashiku nai desu ka?
Iskata was concentrating on pressing the water from her fur as Laruku answered her, a snort escaped from her nose as she raised her eyes to gaze at the male before taking a moment to drop the task on hand and reply. "I guess a roof over your head is all you need, right?" her eyes simmered with a spark of amusement as she taunted her cousin softly. She knew he really did perfer to live by himself but she figured that every once in a while he might enjoy some company, as long as it wasn't her all the time.

After a moment's pause of watching her scarlet eyed cousin she returned to her task and tried to keep her fur fluffed up as she started the drying process on her shoulders, her chest fur was just a mass of damp yet managable pelt now as she sighed. Flicking her eyes to Laruku as he informed her once more that he was fine and he'd already told her that before she just nodded and continued on with her work while he moved a little bit further away. Crouched down in the puddle she murmured words to herself as she worked with her eyes closed at tugging out a burr that she'd got lodged in her fur through the trip here. Dropping the burr on the floor while she turned to gaze at her halfbreed cousin she raised a brow with a slight smirk. "Yeah, I can see that. Getting on just fine with a roof and a crawl space here." She chuckled softly to herself before nudging the burr out the entrance to the cave. His motherly words hitting her ears as she rolled her eyes dramatically, "If you'd like to share my dispair I can help you catch it too, I've got enough water here for the two of us and more you know?" She joked, but she was itching to just shake the water from her pelt instead of the careful considerate work she was attempting on the opposite side of the cramped space from Laruku.

She had her brows furrowed together as she tried to figure out the words to explain to Laruku why in the world she'd even been looking for him when he obviously didn't care to be found. Fidgetting slightly as she turned to look at him for a moment she just spat it out finally, "Laruku, I want you to come back with me.." she knew she sounded more than silly asking the scarred up hybrid those words, no, asking wasn't right, stating was more like it she decided as she sighed and went on, she already knew deep inside his answer but she knew she'd feel a lot better knowing she'd offered and he'd always have a place with them. "Some of the others and I miss the way it use to be, how close the pack just seemed, family, friends, mates.. it's all just jumbled together now.. and now that all the packs just seem so restless and breaking apart.. we've decided to join together and make our wishes come true." she smirked as she looked steady at the male. "We can't wait for our happily ever after.. sometimes you have to make it happen..." She sat there a moment before flicking water from her paws before taking a bit of time to continue at ridding her fur of the excess liquid.

Within a minute or two she grew tired of the work needed to attempt such a task that she stopped and stared out into the rain, the thunder in the distance rumbling across the lands as she spoke back up again, her gaze never leaving the scene before her. "I just.. wondered if you would join us.. you've got to get lonely out here.." as her words trailed off she turned to him with a hint of mischief in her eyes. "We could always use a grumpy old man you know, start all these stories about the crabby old hermit that won't leave our lands so we just set up around him.. After time you'll be your own legend.. and have to chase pups away from your den, or just grumble at them from the dark and watch them flee in terror." She looked away innocently as she spoke, knowing that Laruku would probably be staring at her like she was insane right about now.. knowing that she probably was for asking him to come back with her.

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