flight of the (phoenix)
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... efinal.png);background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:140px; background-position:bottom center;">
It's gonna take a loooot of convincing to get Phoenix in her head, hardy har.

BTW... Jimmy Stewart > Dennis Quaid by quantum proportions.

How had he managed to so royally screw things up so quickly? Here he was, living the dream of many other wolves: a mate, a family, and he was even Omega of his pack. Then, in no time at all, he'd lost two daughters, and his pack had spent a few days teetering on the brink of war with the Land of Wuffluvers. Phoenix had handled the situation to the best of his novice capabilities, but as always, he felt he could have done better. Or someone else could have, someone with greater experience in this role. All he'd wanted was to help an old friend, and in the end he'd made an oath to kill him if he harmed any members of a clan known for harboring murderers, rapists, and sociopaths. He'd never sought the rank of Omega precisely for fear of situations like this.

A familiar scent was at the borders, reminding Phoenix of yet another of his bungles, only this one had been from before he became Omega. At first Phoenix wanted to ignore Queen Emo. She was probably only hear to see her (their?) daughter. Phoenix knew their relationship was on the mends but he couldn't help but worry to see her in a situation where she was so close to Lucifer again. At the thought of the black male who had defiled his daughter Phoenix snorted. He and Vegetarian Shark should have hunted him down while they had the chance, but by now it was too late. Now, all they could do was make sure he stayed out of the Place of Lightning and Thunder. Phoenix still had other daughters he had to keep safe.

Still... something compelled to see the Queen Emo again, the female he had alternately feared, then befriended, then shunned. His regard of her had taken a fatal blow when she had left the Place of Lightning and Thunder and taken her daughter's rapist as a mate, but he felt he had an obligation to Dierdre to at least get along with her. After all, he certainly wanted to be there on the day she and Vegetarian Shark had children, and he knew Queen Emo would want to be too. He couldn't let old differences ruin that day for his daughter. As he found her at the border, he wanted to say something at least gracious, but all he could manage was a flat "Lookin' for Dierdre?"

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