[M] There's thunder in our hearts
apologies 3+

A red mist descended over his gaze as though viewing the world through a pool of blood and in answer to her false acting, how dare she lie to his face! he growled, a heathen noise filled with anger and hatred for Shurui. Her second question was more honest, she did not know why he was trouble but León was no longer home within his mind, the monster inside taking his place, the monster knew no fear, no mercy and no respect. It burned and hungered for destruction, for pain and hurt. León himself was scared of this monster and Io had every reason to be afraid, the bark of his voice was barbed and knife edged, cutting through the air like a whip crack, within the recesses of his mind, the real León who was kind and gentle was fighting to get out, to break free,

"THE ONE! The one who murdered my brother's children and tried to kidnap my daughter!" His fist flew forwards and down into the table with such force that the table cracked down the middle, a long jagged line forever ruining it to the eye. She had taken his seed into her body during the time she was fertile, potentially his children were already floating around in her womb with León's own, this could not be allowed and there was only one way to do this. He grabbed onto her arm as she reached out to touch his chest, fingers digging into the flesh and fur and began to pull her towards the room that was designated as the mating room and would later be the pups room,

"Get in there, NOW!" He shoved her inside of the room, the curtain falling shut behind him and leered at her, his tail twitched behind him as his fur bristled and white eyes shined almost demonically from their sockets.

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