People are strange, when you're a stranger
OoC: Yaay! =3 Oh, should this be set before/after the pack thread? Actually, I just realized Slay never knew Mew was pregnant... ;;^^ And if she wants to coax him into transforming, she probably could - he just got yelled at a lot as a pup, so he's never done it before, ha ha.


It was the melody that brought him in. Slay had fallen asleep in the open, as usual - and then the fierce rain had awoken him, rudely drenching his thick, muddied fur to plaster against his broad-chested body. When his fluffy pelt was flattened by the whipping gales of wind, it was easier to spot the malamute blood he had inherited from his clan - he was too heavily-built to be a pure wolf, and though he had inherited full transformation, he had never once assumed his two-legger form, out of habit. But heritage was hardly foremost on his mind - all the arctic male wanted was shelter from the storm, and that was when he heard her singing, the soft guitar chords all but swallowed in the gusting torrents. He did not recognize her voice right away - after all, they had barely spoken, and Mew had struck him as being shy anyway (since he always saw her when Colibri was with them). Nevertheless, the two-toned wolf stumbled across the threshold in a puddle of rainwater, curiously seeking her out.

His nails clicked against the creaky old floor, the dilapidated house groaning under the weight of his sodden frame. He tried to go quietly, so as not to startle her as she sang, but with the noise of the storm outside, could she even hear him? Peeking his black-daubed muzzle curiously into the living room, he first spotted the large black wooden creation, covered in dust. It was some human contraption, like the storage system called 'shelves', or the drinks they somehow created. He had no idea what this large box was for, though.
It was then he saw Mew. The werewolf form had always unsettled him, but somehow... seeing the Sadira girl so absorbed in the love ballad, smiling and creating that beautiful melody... It wasn't so bad, and he settled gently on his dripping haunches to listen for a while. When Mew paused to turn the page of the yellowed music sheets she was transposing, Slay seized the opportunity to make himself noticed.

"Why hullo, dear," he drawled softly, winking a pale blue eye at her. "Lovely weather to sing to, n'est-ce pas?"


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