Piping Cold
Sorry for the long wait X_x

Feeling her knife cut into the other’s flesh was almost like drugs. It gave her such a rush that she wanted to come in contact more often. She was so absorbed in the fight, she didn’t even know what she was doing anymore. It was all acted out of instinct, but her techniques were working to her advantage. Neither wolf was winning or losing at the point, and it was good for Rio as well as bad; it also meant that the fight wouldn’t be over so quickly. She barely knew what she was getting into as she grabbed the black bitch’s throat. She squeezed tightly to keep her in grip as she kicked anything she could get at.

Rio was clumsy. She never really had to fight for anything before and never really took much interest in the sport. She smacked at the female’s head as she tried to bite Rio’s wrist, but the other female easily caught her kicking leg, and Rio fell backwards onto her back on the ground. She felt a swipe of pain to her side as she flew through the air, and landed with a thud. Now it hurt whatever it was. She didn’t dare look because she was already at a disadvantage. She was on the ground with a wolfess about to climb on top of her, a very injured knee, and another injury somewhere else. The other’s odds were looking higher now, and that wasn’t acceptable.

She quickly scrambled to her feet little ways away, enough to have to make the other come to her if she wanted to have another swipe at her. ”And to think…” Rio limped forward a bit, knife somehow still in hand, and smiled while she manically said, ”All this for a bit of meat…” She was out of breath, but she had a rather malicious look in her eye that clearly stated that it wasn’t over.


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