Am I ready to go?

Word Count → 300+

She raised a hand and ran it through a lock of Shiloh’s hair, staring into her eyes with compassion. A cold fist seized her heart when the woman said that she would be leaving. Her brows knotted up. “Are you sure you’re going to have to go? I’ll be back in just a few weeks time. It’s a trading mission, mostly, and just for information if I can get it. I’ll be going to Cour des Miracles to see my brother and his children and then I think I’m going to go meet that newer pack… Ichy… Itchy… Ichika? Since winters coming I might be able to bring you back something to keep you warm.” She didn’t want the woman to go, but the one thing she could say to keep her there would have been a lie, and she couldn’t do that to Shiloh or Kavi’s heart.

When Shiloh produced the trinket that was to be their parting gift Orin’s eyes brightened. She took the figurine in her hand for a moment to inspect it, laughing at the joke. Orin hadn’t know what Soraya was when she found her, it was Shiloh who had to teach her. Now, she would always know, thanks to Shiloh. She returned it to Shiloh so the woman could help fasten it around her neck. Once it was on her fingers brushed the coarse carving.

“I love it!” She tried to arch her neck and look down at the trinket. Already the crest of fur on her chest was beginning to swallow it, but the cow’s head still poked through. “I’ll wear it always. I’m sure it’ll keep me safe on my trip.”

She smiled and hugged the woman again, then after a moment of pause she stepped back and turned toward the horse stalls. “I’m not sure which mare to take. I’ve been buttering them up for weeks so they’ll like me. I don’t know the first thing about horses though except how to barely stay in the saddle. I’m sort of hoping one of them will guide me.”

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