Teardrops and Trainwrecks

I forgive you <3 x33 I just caught my gerbils that were running around my room! woo!!! I TRICKED THEM GOOD. o.o

Naniko hadn't been out and around much lately...so she had missed out on Colibri's misadventures in Twilight Vale. She and Conri didn't have any rules about asking permission before inviting someone into the lands, so occasionally she saw someone that she didn't know. And sometimes Conri accepted newcomers, and it was a little while before she actually caught up with them to meet them and talk to them. They trusted each others' judgement, trusted that each of them would make a good choice when deciding who would join them in Twilight Vale.

they had expanded their border now that the pack had grown a bit, to include the bottom half of the lake. It was nice to be able to cross over to the other side of the water and still be in the home territory. Naniko made sure that that area was included in the scent marking before turning and heading back to the main part of the border.

What she saw puzzled her at first; a wolf was standing near the borders. As soon as she noticed that Naniko had spotted her she seemed to wilt, going down into the grass a bit. Naniko didn't recognize this at first, and she rushed toward the other wolf, looking down at her and dropping her backpack. "Are you hurt? I can get you something--I know I have it somewhere. Just lemme look." She rummaged through her backpack. "What is it? A headache? Dizziness, maybe? Boy...I just went through some of that myself, and it's not fun. But I can help you, if you'll tell me what's wrong."

The luperci looked anxiously toward the other, biting her lip and waiting for an answer.

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