With weeping trees and just enough nightfall
He is aiming for the horse; I thought it might even the odds if Drogon is wounded, but only minorly so--maybe a flank, to force Haven to dismount? AND THEN RAGE Big Grin

When he had come to prove his worth, Shikoba had not imagined they would see war so soon. He had been thrilled; what more could a young warrior want than to know battle? His eyes were wide and his breath fast, strong. Young and strong, he desired battle and was thrilled to know that he was chosen to defend the Councilman. Gray-brown fur rippled across his back as he drew his bow and advanced towards the door. A horse and rider, armored, charged through the morning fog.

With a challenging snarl, he fired an arrow into the advancing fray. He was wise enough to aim for the places of the horse uncovered by armor. Without the horse, the rider would be an easy target.

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