How Loud Are the Drums of War?
Senorita is a npc, pretty much anyone can pp her goring or whatever XD also i stealing one of the pnpcs Big Grin

Blood wet his sword and dripped onto the ground as he made his way towards the prisoners cabin, the rest of the rescue party was out there somewhere but he had lost sight of them and now soldiered on alone, he could only hope that they got here in time to help him. A twisted scent rode on the wind, one that made his tail raise and his fur prickle. It was the one that had tackled him during the first take over, the one that had hurt Ralla, she thought he had never noticed but he had.

Noise from within the cabin, a ferocious snarl and then screams, he had no time to wait for the others, he had to attack now. He charged forwards, he had left Faith with Ralla and Ayasha so had no steed to protect him against the black man and his Grizzy spirit guide but then he did not need it. Crashing that got louder and louder until the Blonde cow burst through the forest, swinging her massive horns, Earthen ears rotated and he shouted out,

"Senorita, Savit na kann!" Senorita, Kill the intruders. A furious affirmation and the cow turmed charging towards the wolf that rushed her master. Her horns, sharp and long caught the man on his side and sent him flying up into the air. As he slammed back into the ground Leon was co,img up behind him. sword raised high in the air to end this coward's life.

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