Homeward Bound

Smile Thank you for your patience with me, I don't have a laptop at the moment so it's a little frustrating XD WC: 680

The sable female did not mind that the little female climbed underneath her, she was not bothered by it at all, she had been a mother herself seven times over and she had a strong motherly instinct. The sable mother had already begun to think about the younger girl as something of a daughter, she simply brought out the motherly affection in the ebony female, she was glad that she had come here, it was nice to have another wolf that she felt she could look after. The younger wolf clambered out from beneath her and Soran curled up on the chair, she watched the girl with patient green eyes as she tentatively climbed onto the bed once again, she seemed comfortable on there.
"I told you that it was comfortable once you were upon it." The lady said, a smile playing across her lips, she was glad that the girl was comfortable in her room, she had brought her here so that she would feel she had a safe place to stay as she was a newcomer after all. The female looked at the girl as she asked about being a Luperci, asking her to tell her about her experiences, wanting to know what it was like. The sable female looked at her, musing over what to say in reply, she had had many good experiences in her bipedal form, then again she had had many bad ones in that form, but that was nothing to do with the form, it was far more about other wolves and their behaviour than the form itself. When she actually thought of the good things about being in her Optime form there were actually many, it was the form in which she could sew, she could play the flute (something which she loved), she could read and write and of course she was tall enough to reach the high shelves that lined the walls of her room with ease. The sable lady mused over what to say to the younger girl.
"I know, why don't I show you what the shift looks like, that might be a good piece of information for you to have." The sable lady offered.

She hoped down from the chair and stood straight, closing her eyes for a moment as she thought on the change. Her legs began to lengthen, the bones creaking as they lengthened and shifted position, her body lengthened and a mane began to sprout from her head, falling in long curls and waves about what were becoming her shoulders and her back. Her nails began to grow, and eventually her body realigned so that she was stood up in her bipedal form. The whole process took around a minute and a half and soon enough Soran was standing in the centre of the room, her curled mane blowing slightly in the breeze that blew through the old house, her legs long, she stood at around seven feet tall in this form. She smiled at the younger girl.
"Is that a start with giving you some information on being a Luperci?" The lady asked as the smile played across her lips softly. She padded across the room and picked her flute up from one of the shelves.
"Being a Luperci allows us to do all sorts of things, for example I can play this when I am in this form, along with reading and writing, having hands allows for a lot of things, you can sew, you can learn to cook for example." The female replied, lifting the flute to her lips and playing a soft tune on it, the tone soft and languid as she did so. She thought that perhaps it would be a good example of the skills that one could gain when you had hands and arms to use. She moved back to sit in the chair, crossing one leg over the other as she continued to play, waiting for the younger girl to speak once again, simply providing the background music for the conversation that the pair were having.

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