I just really don't get it

Word Count :: 000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Charm was... bearable. Though Io had been spending more and more time tidying since Aeron had spoke about moving, she had seen Charm very little. They'd found a hotel, a large, mostly stable building and chosen it as their home. The cave wasn't large enough for the three females, Leon, Sarajevo and Aslan. Not to mention two litters of pups. The hotel was enormous though, and it would take ages to ready it. They had made plans to clean the kitchen and pup room firstly. Since they were possibly the rooms they'd use first.

Io had taken a rest from her work, or lack there of seeing as no hands made light work. Aeron had come with her, dragging along her cats. Fowl creature they were, no manners. She trotted along slowly, her current state only permitting a fraction of her usual speed. She caught wind of another being and spoke, 'Well, well, well, there is a stranger on our tides. I hope you have permission to be on our lands'. She rolled herself onto her hind legs and sat beside Aeron. 'What do you suppose we do?' she asked calmly. She could smell Leon on her, something which unsettled her slightly, but she didn't show her intrest much.

Image courtesy of Dyrk.Wyst@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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