Lean on Me

Any news that she was brought only brought her more anguish. She had listened to Mati scream and cry when Cambria had been taken, and when the anger had subsided and the grief set in Anu had held her with weak arms. As she had feared, they had come looking for her, or at least a replacement prisoner. Guilt and anger came for her heart once more, and she lay beneath her blanket with no strength to remedy all the wrongs. Once a woman of hope, her faith was now dwindling as it had in the cabin at the edge of AniWaya.

The creak of the door made her turn to see who sought her company, a soft call of her name told her it was Jazper. She sat, propped up by pillows, in the bed. Her hands folded on her lap as she contemplated the changes in the world around her. Energy was slowly returning, but the older female had yet attempted to venture outside her room for very long. She was far from her normal self, if she was to ever reach that point again. "Come in Jazper" She spoke with a small smile. The bandages remained, one around her neck, the other her wrists and ankles. Her gaunt form was the only other evidence of her mistreatment. She extended a hand towards the chair that had been placed beside her bed. Alder's normally vigilant seat.

"Those are lovely" She commented, looking at the flowers.


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