Once upon a midnight dreary...
OOC: Srry no table

Ayita allowed Orin into the hotel she had been here for a day or two just helping to keep things in order it was much easier since everyone knew to come here. Liam was bringing things from the house to here so they would have medical things here.

"Yes they are ours, oh thats right you left before I had my first litter with Vigilante. I wish Liam was home for you to meet him. His brother Noah left the pack so neither are here maybe another time though" She said smiling. "Oh umm just under a month, the light is Skoll, and the darker is Hati, then little Charlotte." she stated smiling.

Zafier looked at Orin. "Well its been a long while stranger." He said as he chuckled. "War is headed our way. The king saved Niro's daughter in Aniwaya and now we fear we may have to deal with AW too." he said looking at her. "Bad time to come visit family." He looked at the young pups. "I'll protect my family though I swore to Vigilante I would."

Ayita came back with food glaring at Zafier. "No need to sink her heart, everyone is safe including foxglove. In the end it'll be ok." She placed the plate down. "go ahead we can catch up and eat and relax. You should see Amaranth and Niro and Jiva he's getting big. I must admit I can't believe how big he's gotten since I helped amarath with the delivery." she said sitting down. "What have your great adventures led you into?" Ayita asked.

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