Rolling in the Deep

herp derp

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The ride towards the walled in area was short and sweet. Both Anann and Jazper seemed very excited that they had someplace to look at, and Rurik was just trying to keep up. When they got there, the large golden woman spoke to the black horse and he backed himself against the gates. Despite his large size, the lock would not give. When Wayne backed Fern up into a similar position Dixie was a bit worried that the mare would protest. However, she was relaxed and as docile as ever, backing up obediently and aiding in the opening of the gate. Wayne walked the mare forward with his hand on the gate, pushing one side open slowly. It was rather difficult, because there was a lot of overgrowth. Vines and shrubs were piled up against the walls and gates, growing up the sides of the visible buildings and covering everything.

Dixie clicked softly to Duke and he slowly walked forward, his head held high, ears pricked forward and fully alert. Wow…beautiful. Her head whipped back and forth, taking in all of the bright greens and other fading fall colors. Turning slightly, she looked over at the others and saw Fern had her head dropped, nibbling at the soft and lush green grass. It seemed that nothing had been able to get in and ruin the environment. It was a little atmosphere in itself, perfect. Grinning, she slipped off of Duke’s back and walked away from him, padding through the grass and looking around more. There were trees scattered about at random, large ones that looked many years old. They would be very strong and deep rooted; she made a note in her head to suggest only bringing in lumber from outside the walls.

Image courtesy of PNNL@Flickr; table code by the Mentors!

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