Count by zero's to ten

He never really knew how he ended up in these sorts of places. Certainly, he never intended on it, what with his decided apathy towards exploration of the "new" territories. Nevertheless, there he was, rather deep in a wayward cavern that could only remind him of other places, other times. It was as if he had been everywhere and done everything already, and any new place could only make him think of the past. Thus, they weren't really new at all and only served to rustle around the memories in his head, reminding him of various things. It was okay though. It had become a predictable cycle perhaps, but he had once again found himself in that peaceful sort of nothingness where thinking about things didn't hurt so much anymore. Time's barrier between himself and history only grew thicker by the day, and the silence of the voice in his head was starting to feel more familiar than the voice itself.

The scarred hybrid paused when he heard other footsteps in the distance, quietly splashing in the trickling water. As there was only dead air inside the cavern, he couldn't tell immediately who it was, but the lightness of the steps suggested someone younger, perhaps female. Vaguely, he hoped it wasn't anyone from Inferni, unless it was his daughter, which he considered unlikely. He waited for the owner of the footsteps to get to him though, not seeing the point in turning back or trying to avoid the inevitable. Besides, he was far enough in the cave now that turning back was probably a good idea.


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