What have we done to you?
Rain was still so new to the pack. He had heard of a pack meeting and had made something for Naniko and the children he heard she had. He had dressed himself in dark deer fur with a small hat that made him look something like what the human books had called Robin Hood, complete with pouch and bow and arrows. He had made his alpha a staff, carved from a tough and sturdy wood. He had put an beautiful design on it and planned on giving it to her when he came up. He had also made sling shots for her boys, each different in size and shape. He smiled as he walked towards the meeting area.

He was giddy and excited to see his alpha again. He hoped she liked his staff. He also came to ask her about a mating ceremony for him and his mate. Sam had chosen to stay in Anathema with him and he wanted his alpha's blessing before the mating ceremony. He had a lot to prove to her and hoped she accepted Sam into the pack. He loved Sam dearly and hoped to make a honest living for her. He came into the room with a love swelled heart and hi hopes. He walked up to his alpha and bowed low before presenting her with his staff and her sons with their sling shots. "For you my lady. Thy are most beautiful this evening. May I present you this staff as a token of my gratitude and these sling shots for your sons," he said kneeling at her feet. He smiled up at her warmly hoping she enjoyed his tokens of gratitude. His question could wait.

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