Ayasha grinned at the nickname that Ferrari had for her. It was adorable. ”Yep. That’s me, Fer.” She ruffled her fur playfully then smoothed it back down. At being asked what a cannibal was, Ayasha considered tell Ferrari to ask her daddy. But that would mean Ayasha would have to explain to J’adore why exactly she had brought up a cannibal in conversation with his daughter. So she took the simpler way and answered Ferrari’s question. ”Well, it’s a wolf that eats other wolves.”

She had no idea that she was the object of hero-worship by a pup. Not that she would have minded. She did, however, mind Ferrari chewing on her fingers. She gave a yelp and sighed. ”Teething, huh? I have something you can chew on.” She fished out a piece of wood that she had removed the bark from and done basic shaping but nothing else. She held it out for Ferrari to take the wood. ”Here. You can chew on this.” It was a softer wood so it wouldn’t hurt pup’s teeth.

Ayasha grinned at the pup’s obvious excitement. ”Sure!” Puppy teeth however soon attacked her. She dramatically fell down, letting Ferrari climb on her. ”Oh no! I’m getting attacked by a pup! How will I ever survive!” She grinned at Ferrari to show she was playing. Then she started to tickle the pup.

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