She's a Stripper
Hey Sky, it's me ^^ For those reading this, Blind is a luperci (in her optime form) in this post solely because I wanted to experiment with it. She hasn't changed in the main threads yet, and probably won't for a little while at least. But this is LASKY, anything can happen Tongue

Stupid jackals.

Blind stumbled through the city, her legs shaking and her body buzzing. She had asked for directions to a place where she could find something to drink, and they give her alcohol?! Water would have sufficed; that's what she was looking for anyway. But they were teenagers, of course they had to poke fun at a naive adult!

Everything around her seemed to blend together in her already terrible eyesight, and the rolling and swaying of shapes and colors made Blind sick to her stomach. Every sound vibrated through her skull like an echo in a cave, and she could feel her steps becoming increasingly sluggish. The dark she-wolf repeatedly chided herself for falling into the young jackals' trap, but it was over and done with now, and all she could do was wait for the alcohol to leave her system...and wouldn't THAT be fun?

A flashing sign suddenly caught Blind's eye, and she looked up to see an advertisement on the side of a dark building for 'drinks and entertainment.' The she-wolf thought for a moment: she didn't want to end up even more intoxicated than she already was...but surely they had to have water inside, right? Deciding to take the chance, Blind stumbled through the doorway, where a sudden wave of loud music smacked her in the face.

The door shut behind her with a loud 'click,' and Blind nearly jumped out of her skin. What was worse, there seemed to be even more movement in here than there was out on the streets - Blind could already feel the sensation to vomit creeping into her throat. Trying to hold it back, she rushed to a counter where she saw another luperci filling glasses, and immediately sat herself on a stool.

Can I have a water, please? she slurred, not understanding why the canine behind the counter then looked at her in such a funny way.

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